February reads
Monday, March 09, 2015
Hi guys! I’ve been sick for the past, but now I’m ready to work, blog, and all that other stuff, and today I’ve got a post on the books I read during February. I said last month that I wouldn’t get that much reading done in February as I was starting work, but somehow I still managed to read four books?
First up was Emma by Jane Austen. The book is about a girl called Emma (duh), who is the daughter of the rich Mr. Woodhouse. Emma is very obnoxious and she obviously believes that she is better than everyone else. Therefore she decides that she doesn’t want to ever want to settle for anyone or get marries, but she is very fond of matchmaking other people. Some of these matches don’t go to plan, and as she continues to meddle in other people’s lives, she learns that she doesn’t always know what s best for them. I love the story itself, although I do think some parts are a bit too detailed, and it could definitely have been told with less text.
Next is Emma by Alexander McCall Smith. This is a part of
“The Jane Austen project” which is a series of books retelling Jane Austen’s main
novels. This one is obviously a retelling of Emma, and I love the cover – but
that is pretty much the nicest thing I can say about it… I really liked the
first 70 pages or so, because you get a lot of backstory, which you don’t get
in the original, but apart from that it was absolutely terrible. In the
original book Emma makes some bad decisions, but you can always tell that she
has good intentions, and you can clearly tell that she grows as a person. In
this version however, Emma is just a b*tch (sorry) through the whole book, and
in the end she doesn’t seem to have learned anything at all. The rest of the characters
had also completely changed for the worse, and it was very obvious that the
writer was an older person trying to imagine the behavior of younger people.
Ok, you can probably tell that I’m not a fan of this book, so I’m just gonna
stop rambling about it. :-D
I finally got around to reading The Maze Runner by James
Asher last month. I really liked the movie, and although I liked the book too,
I didn’t love it as much as I wanted to. The book is about a guy called Thomas,
who is a part of a group trapped in the middle of a maze. The whole thing is a
part of an experiment to test the people in the maze, and I guess you have to
read the rest of the books to understand the whole thing (which I haven’t yet,
so I’m still a bit confused :-D). I felt like the plot was a bit rushed, and
too much of the story was spend focusing on insignificant details.
Continuing my Rainbow Rowell obsession I also read Landline.
The book is about a woman called Georgie, who is a sitcom manuscript writer. Due
to her working too much, her marriage to Neal is falling apart. After Georgie
tells him that she can’t go to his parent’s for Christmas, because she has to
work, Neal decides to go along with their two daughters, leaving Georgie home
alone in the week leading up to Christmas. During this week she discovers a way
to talk to Neal from the past, and now she has to figure out whether she wants
to save their marriage, or stop it before it has even begun. I really liked the
book, I just didn’t love it as much as her other books. It was really hard to
be rooting for Neal, because he just seemed sooo unsympathetic and annoying. The
story keeps shifting between the present, and flashbacks of how Georgie met
Neal, and reading the flashbacks you can tell why the got together, but
otherwise it is hard to see why they are still married. I did however like how
realistic it is.
If you want to keep track of how I’m doing in the challenge, or you want to join in yourself you can find my Goodreads profile here.
- Lene
Book challenge progress: 8/30
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