I mentioned in my Autumn Lovin' post that one of my favourites about autumn was the ability to wear plum colored lipsticks again, and I thought I would share my favourites with you.
Purple and plum shaded lipsticks were my absolute favourite thing to wear last year, and I have gathered a small collection of different ones, but for this post I have narrowed it down to my current top three.
The first one is the Maybelline ColorSensational in Plum Passion which is a georgeous shade. Usually, I'm not really into lipsticks with a shiny finish but this is one of the few that I don't really mind. I featured it in my Autumn Essentials post last year along with the Maybelline Color Drama in Berry Much, which is also one of my favourites. This one has a matte finish, and the shade is a bit darker and has a more berry-toned shade, which I really like. Finally we have the Borjouis Rouge Edition Velvet in Plum Plum Girl which is kind of a new edition to my collection. I have been obsessed with these lipsticks for a couple of years now, and they just work so well for me. It has a matte finish and once you have applied, it stays put and will not budge. The color is a beautiful plum shade, which is not as red toned as Berry Much (although it looks a bit like it on the picture).
xx - Lene
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness - Synesthesia
This is a great song - Go and listen to it!
xx - Lene
Saint Raymond - Fall At Your Feet
I am currently reading This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper, and halfway through the book I decided to rewatch the movie. In the intro Saint Reymond's Fall At Your Feet is playing, and I had just never realised how great this song is before. You should give this song a listen!
xx - Lene
Currently watching
I have been interning full time all summer, which means I haven't had much time or energy to be social on weeknights. Therefor I have been watching a LOT of tv shows on Netflix after work, and I wanted to share my favourites with you.
I recently started listening to the podcast Gilmore Guys, and I felt like rewatching the show for the gazillionth time - this is probably one of the shows I have rewatched the most times, only second to Friends - especially since the new season was announced for the fall.
For anyone who has been living under a rock, this show is about Lorelai Gilmore who had her daughter Rory at 16, which has caused a rift between her and her parents, Emily and Richard, and now they only ever see each other on holidays. At the beginning of the show, Rory - who is about to turn 16 herself - gets accepted into the prestigious private school Chilton. To be able to afford the school, Lorelai has to borrow money from her parents, and in exchange she and Rory has to have dinner at their house every friday.
I have previously mentioned Scream as one of my favourite Halloween shows last year, and since the second season was released weekly during most of summer, I watched both seasons. I didn't love the over all second season as much as the first one, but I did however like the big reveal in the second season finale a lot better. For the first season I guessed the killer halfway through, but for the second season I had no clue.
When I ran out of new episodes of Scream, I really wanted another similar show and I found this one. Slasher centers around Sarah Bennet who, along with her husband, moves back to the house where her parents were murdered, when her mother was still pregnant with her. The killer, known as the punisher, was found in the house holding the newborn Sarah, and was put in jail. As Sarah returns to her hometown, people start turning up dead in the same manner, and seeing as the killer is still in jail it seems as if someone is continuing his work.
Slasher is a bit more grown up compared to Scream, which is targeted towards teens, and although this show is still kind of trash, I feel like the plot and writing is a lot better. I probably shouldn't compare the two shows, but I just can't help it.
What have you been watching lately?
xx - Lene

I recently started listening to the podcast Gilmore Guys, and I felt like rewatching the show for the gazillionth time - this is probably one of the shows I have rewatched the most times, only second to Friends - especially since the new season was announced for the fall.
For anyone who has been living under a rock, this show is about Lorelai Gilmore who had her daughter Rory at 16, which has caused a rift between her and her parents, Emily and Richard, and now they only ever see each other on holidays. At the beginning of the show, Rory - who is about to turn 16 herself - gets accepted into the prestigious private school Chilton. To be able to afford the school, Lorelai has to borrow money from her parents, and in exchange she and Rory has to have dinner at their house every friday.
I have previously mentioned Scream as one of my favourite Halloween shows last year, and since the second season was released weekly during most of summer, I watched both seasons. I didn't love the over all second season as much as the first one, but I did however like the big reveal in the second season finale a lot better. For the first season I guessed the killer halfway through, but for the second season I had no clue.
When I ran out of new episodes of Scream, I really wanted another similar show and I found this one. Slasher centers around Sarah Bennet who, along with her husband, moves back to the house where her parents were murdered, when her mother was still pregnant with her. The killer, known as the punisher, was found in the house holding the newborn Sarah, and was put in jail. As Sarah returns to her hometown, people start turning up dead in the same manner, and seeing as the killer is still in jail it seems as if someone is continuing his work.
Slasher is a bit more grown up compared to Scream, which is targeted towards teens, and although this show is still kind of trash, I feel like the plot and writing is a lot better. I probably shouldn't compare the two shows, but I just can't help it.
What have you been watching lately?
xx - Lene
Bastille - Good Grief
Bastille has been releasing some great new singles lately, and I think this one might be my favourite. What have you been listening to lately?
xx - Lene
Im sharing some more of my favourite podcasts:

Welcome to Night Vale was one of the first podcasts I listened to, and probably the one that I have been actively listening to for the longest time. The podcast is a mockumentary type podcast in the style of radio broadcasts from the community radio of small desert town, Night Vale. The broadcasts, hosted by Cecil Palmer, reports on the odd things going on in the town, like the sherriff’s secret police, the three headed dragon running for mayor, the mighty Glow Cloud, and at one point, the golden retriever who’s trying to take over the town. Every episode features a broadcast on a new weird happening, a weather report (in the form of a song), and most likely the mention of Cecil’s crush on Carlos the scientist.
After finishing the first season of Serial I was really into true crime podcasts, and I found this one, hosted by Phoebe Judge. Unlike a lot of podcasts in the genre, which focuses on a particular case for the whole season, this podcast features a different case in each episode. Every episode focus on a person or event that is in some way crime related, and most likely features interviews with people involved with the case. Each case is very diverse, ranging anywhere from the life story of a courtroom sketch artist or how a murderer changed the life of a lawyer, to the mysterious disappearance of flytraps in North Carolina or nurse who kills her patients. The stories are told by either the victim, the criminal, or people who are in some other way related to the case, such as a lawyer og a judge. The stories in this podcast are so interesting, and you never know what to expect when you start playing an episode.
This was an amazing 5-episode podcast hosted by Lena Dunham about women. Each episode focus on a different subject such as friendship og body, and talks about anything and everything related. You can say what you want about Lena Dunham, but she loves women, and she is a great feminist.
xx - Lene
Bad Veins - Arrow
I mentioned the new single by Bad Veins called Under the Cover about a month ago, which I absolutely loved, but I think I might love their newest single Arrow even more. Give it a listen!
xx - Lene
Autumn lovin'
It’s the 1st of September, aka the first day of autumn, aka
my favourite season of the year (lots of clapping hands emojis), and I thought
I would tell you some of my favourite things about it.
1. It’s ma birthday on September 24th (Weee)
2. Plum colored lipstick is a more respectable
choice during these months
3. Pumpkin Spice Lattes! (I don’t even care if I’m
a basic bitch, this stuff is delicious!)
4. Sweater weather is baaaaack
5. Rainy days – at least on days where I don’t have
to go anywhere. There is nothing better than staying in bed with coffee or
cocoa, watching tv, while it’s pouring down outside.
6. The colors – Red and orange eeeeverywhere!
7. Nature is so so pretty (again, the colors)
8. Candles can be lit without the whole room
feeling like a sauna
9. Halloween – which we don’t actually celebrate
that much in Denmark, but I usually get together with friends, and watch scary
movies (or less scary ones, tbh I usually stick to The nightmare before Christmas
and The Adams family)
There are probably a billion more things to mention, but
these are just some of my absolute favourites.
Xx - Lene
I know this song is getting kind of old but this past week I've had it stuck in my head constantly and I have been listening to it A LOT.
xx - Lene
George Ezra - Barcelona
My obsession with George Ezra has restarted and Barcelona is my current favourite (aside from Leaving it up to you which I already did a post about).
xx - Lene
The Wombats - Let's Dance To Joy Division
I have really been getting into The Wombats again lately, and I forgot how much I used to LOVE this song! I've had a bunch of their songs on repeat this week, but this one is still my favourite.
xx - Lene
I went to see Foals at Roskilde Festival this year, and I rediscovered my love for this song - which is why I think you should listen to it too!
xx - Lene
MØ - Final Song
I have been to MØ's concerts at Roskilde festival for the past four years, but this year was definitely the best yet! - Possibly because she played at Orange Scene (which is the biggest stage) for the first time.
Ever since the concert I have been obsessed with Final Song, and it's my favourite of her newest songs.
xx - Lene

Lately, I have been getting a lot better at changing my nail polish before it all chips off by itself, so I thought I would share some of the shades I have been wearing this summer.
The first one is my all time favourite - Rimmel's Soul Session which is a part of the Kate Moss Nude collection. It is the perfect slightly pink nude shade which has a my-nails-but-better effect, and people always compliment my nails when I wear this.
Next is Essie's Eternal Optimist. This is a beautiful peachy pink shade, which I have been wearing a LOT all through spring and summer.
The next two shades are both a part of Barry M's Gelly Hi Shine collection. The first shade - Prickly Pear - is a pale purple which has been my go to for the days I want something a bit more colorful.
The second shade is Elderberry. It is a beautiful pastel blue which is still a bit colorful, but just pale enough to match everything.
What are your favourite nail polishes for summer?
xx - Lene
The Young Wild - Not a One
I found this song by The Young Wild recently and I am absolutely obsessed with it! It has a really happy vibe and it is perfect for summer - which is why I put it on my Summer playlist.
I could only find a live version here, but you can find the original song on Spotify - Give it a listen!
xx - Lene

I am a HUGE fan of Twenty One Pilots, and although I do like the newest album Blurryface (which was released last year), my favourite is still Vessel. The band has a really unique alternative pop-rock style with som rap, indie, and electronic sounds mixed in, and there is always a song to match my mood. I love all the songs, and picking my favourites was really hard as they are always changing, but I forced myself to narrow it down to seven (which is still more than half the album - oops).
Holding On To You might just be my favourite on the album - it was the first single on the album, and the first Twenty One Pilots song I ever listened to. It is a perfect example of their diverse sound, and after four years it is still my go to song when driving. Migrane is a bit more upbeat, along with Semi-Automatic (I've mentioned this one before as a Favourite song of the week).
House Of Gold has a more acoustic sound and it is definitely in my top three.
My last three favourites are Screen, Trees and Fake You Out.
xx - Lene
Bad Veins - Under The Cover
I discovered The Bad Veins about a year ago, and I am still completely obsessed with them! They recently released a new song called Under The Cover, and I think you should give it a listen.
xx - Lene
Summer is in full swing, and I thought I would share a playlist with some of the songs I'm listening to at the moment. It might seem like an odd mix, but it has my two all time favourite songs for summer - City by ADHDS and Shooting Up Sunshine by Reptile Youth - along with some favourites from last year - Maps by The Front Bottoms and Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko. There are also some new ones in there, like my new favourite Brand New by Ben Rector (as mentioned in my last post).
What are you listening to this summer?
What are you listening to this summer?
xx - Lene
Ben Rector - Brand New
I watched the trailer for "The Fundamentals of Caring" the other day, and I absolutely fell in love with this song, and put it on my Summer playlist straight away! It's like happiness in a song - and not the annoyingly exaggerated kind of happiness like in "Can't Stop the Feeling!" (no offence JT..)
Give it a listen!
xx - Lene
Just like everyone else, I have become (ridiculously) obsessed with podcasts, so I thought I would share some of my favourites on here! Also; Hi! Long time, no see - I’m forever busy, but I felt like practising my writing so here we go:

This is an amaaaazing podcast about books, and I think it might be my all time favourite podcast. It is hosted by Tod Goldberg, Julia Pistell and Rider Strong (aka. Shawn Hunter from Boy meets world). I found this podcast when they announced Girl meets world, and I decided to google what the entire cast were doing now (as you do). The podcast popped up on Rider's Wikipedia page and I have been obsessed with it ever since!
They release an episode about once a month, and every episode features a discussion of a book and some kind of literary game. You probably wouldn't think that a podcast about book could be funny, but this is HILARIOUS. I still haven’t read most of the books, but it is amazing anyway!
Favourite episodes: Sweet Valley High (I have never read any of the books, but this one was just sooo funny!), The fault in our stars (purely for Rider’s ridiculous rants), and all the end-of-the-year "Best of .." episodes.
I don’t think I have to explain the premise of this one, but to anyone who’s been living under a rock for the past two years: This is a true crime podcast, hosted by Sarah Koenig, in which each season focus on a specific case. The first season examined the murder of Hae Min Lee and the conviction of her supposed murderer; ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed. The focus of the show was mainly to figure out whether or not he actually killed her. The second season features the case of Bowe Bergdahl who was captured by the Taliban and held captive for five years, after walking off the military base he was deployed to in Afghanistan. This season explores Bowe’s reasons for walking off, and whether he should be punished for walking off. The second season was not really that interesting and tbh I can’t remember most of what happened… But the first season was sooo good, which is probably why everyone and their dogs were absolutely OBSESSED with it when it came out back in 2014.
This is a fictional true-crime-ish podcast which follows the fictional journalist Lia Haddock, and her investigation of the mysterious case of Limetown. Limetown was a mysterious, self-sufficient, sheltered town centered around a research facility. One day all 300 citizens disappears, and no-one ever knows what happens. Lia’s uncle was one of the citizens and she devotes the podcast to solve the mystery, and strange things begin to happen (uuuuh). A LOT of weird conspiracy stuff happens, and I constantly had to remind myself that it was fiction, because they made everything seem so real! I still haven’t recovered from the season 1 finale, and I am constantly searching the internet for the release date for season 2 - Nothing’s been said yet, but we are all waiting very (im)patiently!
xx - Lene

I haven’t been posting on here for a couple of months, but after taking a creative writing course at school for the past three weeks, I felt inspired to write some new posts and i thought I would just start with sharing a couple pics of The Front Bottoms’ concert here in Denmark a couple weeks ago. The venue was a small place, called Pumpehuset, in central Copenhagen and it was just the right size for a band like this - Small enough that the band could actually hear what people were saying to them, but big enough for a decent amount of people to fit and keep the energy up. They played a great mix between new and old songs (Although I’m kind of sad they didn’t play 2YL), and it was awesome! I mean, they had a bubble blower machine - what more could you ask for??
I didn’t get a lot of pics as I was too busy singing along, but I did get a few grainy ones:
I didn’t get a lot of pics as I was too busy singing along, but I did get a few grainy ones:

xx - Lene
About a month ago I shared some of my favourite musical releases of 2015, and although it’s already the middle of february, I thought I might as well share some of the releases I’m most excited for during the next year.

Time has been moving so fast lately - I feel like December just started and were already mostly through the first month of 2016! I have never really liked making New Year’s resolutions, but I do have a list of things that I would like to happen in 2016 so I might as well make them my resolutions.
Be more active
I love running but whenever i get into a regular routine, something gets in the way and I end up making excuses for not going. This year however, that’s going to change! .. at least I hop it will. I have already planned to participate in the color run in Copenhagen along with my cousin this summer, so I have to be able to run at least 5 km by then, which I think is fairly reasonable. I also want to be more active in general, fx taking the stairs and walking more often so I don’t have to look all flushed every time I get up the three flights of stairs at work… :-D
Eat at least three (mostly healthy) meals a day
While I was growing up I was always told about the importance of eating healthily at least three times a day, but in the last couple of years I have gotten into the bad habit of skipping meals. This means I end up getting hungry in between meals and eating something unhealthy, I feel exhausted and I get stressed more easily. So, I’m going to make an effort to have a proper breakfast everyday, along with a healthy lunch and dinner.
Be more positive
One of my friends and I have agreed that we complain way too much, and even more whenever we’re together which is an even bigger problem as we are now living together, so we have both agreed to complain less and be more positive in the new year.
Take more pictures
I have always loved photography and I really want to get more into it this year. I also want to get better at documenting things in my life as I feel like everything is going by so fast, and I want to make more of an effort to keep the memories.
Be on time
I have a slight problem with always being late - in the 3 weeks since school started after christmas break I have somehow managed to be late almost every day, and although I’m blaming public transportation for more than half of those days I haven’t really got an excuse for the other days, so I think it might be a good idea to make an effort to get out the door more quickly.
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions for 2016?
xx - Lene
2015 was great as far as musical releases go, and I have made a small list with five of my favourite albums released during the year.