Favourite Podcasts #2
Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Im sharing some more of my favourite podcasts:

Welcome to Night Vale was one of the first podcasts I listened to, and probably the one that I have been actively listening to for the longest time. The podcast is a mockumentary type podcast in the style of radio broadcasts from the community radio of small desert town, Night Vale. The broadcasts, hosted by Cecil Palmer, reports on the odd things going on in the town, like the sherriff’s secret police, the three headed dragon running for mayor, the mighty Glow Cloud, and at one point, the golden retriever who’s trying to take over the town. Every episode features a broadcast on a new weird happening, a weather report (in the form of a song), and most likely the mention of Cecil’s crush on Carlos the scientist.
After finishing the first season of Serial I was really into true crime podcasts, and I found this one, hosted by Phoebe Judge. Unlike a lot of podcasts in the genre, which focuses on a particular case for the whole season, this podcast features a different case in each episode. Every episode focus on a person or event that is in some way crime related, and most likely features interviews with people involved with the case. Each case is very diverse, ranging anywhere from the life story of a courtroom sketch artist or how a murderer changed the life of a lawyer, to the mysterious disappearance of flytraps in North Carolina or nurse who kills her patients. The stories are told by either the victim, the criminal, or people who are in some other way related to the case, such as a lawyer og a judge. The stories in this podcast are so interesting, and you never know what to expect when you start playing an episode.
This was an amazing 5-episode podcast hosted by Lena Dunham about women. Each episode focus on a different subject such as friendship og body, and talks about anything and everything related. You can say what you want about Lena Dunham, but she loves women, and she is a great feminist.
xx - Lene
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