Concert: Ed Sheeran
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The next was Saint Raymond, a 19-year old (WHAT??)
singer-song writer from England. He is crazy talented especially considering
his age.
And FINALLY, it was time for Ed Sheeran to get on stage.
This concert is easily one of the top five concerts I have ever been to, and
I’ll tell you why: I have been to very few one-man-concerts (is that even a
word??), but none of them even come close to this one! His energy is
incredible, and I am so amazed by how he was able to do the entire concert by
himself, with only a guitar and a loop-machine (there’s probably a more
technical term). I have never seen anyone else do that so well. If you ever get
the chance to see him live please do it, you won’t regret it!

If you want to read more about the concert, you can go to my
friends Sisse and Katarinas blogs. Also, can I just mention how much I love my
new camera again? Most of the pictures were so good, and it took such a long
time to pick which ones to use for this post.
- Lene
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