March favourites
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Hello everybody! :-)
This is a veeeeeery late post on my March
favourites. As I wrote in my last post I have been very busy, but I actually
took the pictures before I went to America. I had planned to write the post on
the plane, but I hadn’t really thought about the fact that my laptop is a 15” MacBook
pro, which is kinda huge, and it is absolutely impossible to use when you
haven’t got a lot of space, especially when the person in front of me decided to
move the seat back… So instead I decided to wait until I had the time (and
space), which is apparently now!

My first favourite is this leather jacket.
I got it at Primark when I went to London back in January, and it is the
perfect jacket for the cold-to-warm-weather transition in spring. Unlike most
leather jackets, it is very thick and soooo warm, which is good when you live
in countries with cold weather such as Denmark.

My second favourite are these hair
products. My hair is straight and very thick and heavy, so it often looks flat
and boring. Luckily I have these two hair sprays, which gives my hair amazing
volume. The wonderful thing about the Batiste spray is that even though it is a
dry shampoo, it has a bit of color, and you avoid the white patches you can
sometimes get in dark hair with a regular dry shampoo.

My third favourite is this nail polish from
Rimmel. It is the shade Pink Amazon, which is red with a hint of pink, and it
is sooo pretty for spring.

My fourth favourite are these lip products.
The first one is a Mac lipstick in the color Cosmo, which is an absolutely
beautiful and very natural color. The second one is Palmer’s cocoa butter
formula lip balm with dark chocolate and mint.

My last favourite is the iBooks app. I
spend about three hours a day riding the bus or the train, and it is the
perfect time to read. Instead of having to carry a book around in my bag all
day, I have found it to be a lot easier to just download it, and read it on my
ipad or iphone. Last month I started reading Paper towns by John Green.
Thanks for reading - Lene :-)
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