Daughter - Youth
I fell in love with this song a couple of years ago, and I just feel like it has a kind of autumnal vibe to it, so always end up listening to this time of year.
Have a nice sunday! xx - Lene
The All-American Rejects - There's a place
I used to be a major fan of The All-American Rejects and I'm unlike some of the other fans, I'm actually quite happy with the direction they are going with the music. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure they can never make anything new that I will love more than their Move Along album, but it's nice to see that their style has matured a bit.
Happy sunday, xx - Lene
Death Cab For Cutie - Little Wanderer
Little Wanderer is my favourite song on Death Cab For Cutie's Kintsugi album, and I have been obsessed with it for the longest time. I have especially had it on repeat this week, because later tonight I'm going to their concert in copenhagen and I'm sooo excited!
Have a nice sunday! xx - Lene

School is crazy busy at the moment so I don’t have a lot of time to write blog posts, but I thought I would share some of my essentials this autumn - dark shaded lipsticks (especially purply/plum colored ones), reddish-brown colored eye shadows, candles, hot drinks, hand creams, cream blushes and fairy lights (although to be honest, I’ve got those out all year).
What are your essentials for autumn?
xx - Lene